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Passion for Jesus

By Mike Brumback
$15.99 ⋅ Paperback
136 pages ⋅ ISBN 978-1726839716

Passion for Jesus. Do you want it? Is it something you sincerely desire in your life? How do you get it? Passion for Jesus comes from discovering His passion for you.


  • A Bridegroom God who's passionately on fire for you, more than you are for Him
  • A happy God who's smiling and delighting in you, even in your immaturity
  • A beautiful God who's going to unveil the beauty of who you are as His bride
  • A tender and humble Father God who's healing your orphan heart through sonship
  • A worthy Lamb of God who's preparing you for a wedding and is coming back for you.

Click here to read an excerpt!






Additional Books & CDs


THE SHULAMITE’S CRY portrays the journey of the Shulamite who is being trained in the wilderness to become Jesus’ Bride. In chapters 1-4, it’s mostly about what benefits her in the relationship with Jesus the Bridegroom. In chapters 5-8, it’s mostly about what benefits Jesus the Beloved. She is now in the relationship for His pleasure. She will be seen coming up out of the wilderness, leaning upon her Beloved, and sealed with the fire of Jesus’ surpassing love.  (Also available in Korean)

(includes shipping to any address in the USA)

(includes shipping to any address in the USA)

THE BEAUTY OF THE CROSS takes another look at the heart of the Father over His Son from eternity past. It’s a journey of passion, determination and mercy for broken and sinful mankind. Jesus is a real person with real feelings and struggles, and fully identifies with us. He faced overwhelming pain, rejection, betrayal, abandonment, loneliness, and was constantly misunderstood. As we peer into the bloody crucifixion and supernatural resurrection, we discover the story of a triumphant, conquering King who is preparing His bride for a grand wedding, and will reign with Him.

(includes shipping to any address in the USA)

ENCOUNTERING THE THRONE OF GOD  is a verse by verse study guide of Revelation 4. It unveils the glory and majesty of the Throne Room of Heaven. It peers into the three distinct diamonds (jasper, sardius, and emerald) which reflects who God the Father is. You will be absolutely fascinated and will marvel at the greatness and majesty of the Throne of God.

(includes shipping to any address in the USA)

ONLY YOU is a ‘Harp & Bowl’ Worship CD in both English and Korean. It was produced in Kansas City but most of the worship leaders and singers are from Korea. It is a great CD that will awaken your heart to love God more.

Korean Language:
(includes shipping to any address in the USA)

THRONE OF GOD is an anointed CD that focuses on the beauty and majesty of God the Father in the Throne Room of Heaven. It is combined with music, prophetic singers and inspirational prayers in the ‘Harp & Bowl’ model. Both singers Julie Myer and Paula Bowers, flow so well as they sing about the jasper God in Revelation 4.

(includes shipping to any address in the USA)

THRONE OF GOD 2 is a wonderful CD that has ‘Harp & Bowl’ worship with different worship leaders and singers from the International House of Prayer of Kansas City.

(includes shipping to any address in the USA)